Saturday, August 31, 2019

Cattell and Eysenck

Usually when we talk about someone's personality, we are talking about what makes that person different from other people, perhaps even unique. â€Å"The Cattell and Eysenck constructs and theories should be seen, not as mutually contradictory, but as complementary and mutually supportive. † The Late Hans Eysenck (1984). Cattell and the theory of Personality. Mult. Behav. Res, 19, 323-336. This eight page report discusses the work and models created by Hans Eysenck (1916-1997) and Raymond Cattell (1905-1998). Each developed specific theories regarding human personality. Eysenck’s is best expressed in the Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) while Cattell’s 16PF or Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire serves as the best representation of his work on personality. Raymond Bernard Cattell (20 March 1905 – 2 February 1998) was a British and American psychologist known for his exploration of a wide variety of substantive areas in psychology. These areas included: the basic dimensions of personality and temperament, a range of cognitive abilities, the dynamic dimensions of motivation and emotion, the clinical dimensions of personality, patterns of group and social behavior, applications of personality research to psychotherapy and learning theory, predictors of creativity and achievement, and many scientific research methods for exploring and measuring these areas. Cattell was famously productive throughout his 92 years, authoring and co-authoring over 50 books and 500 articles, and over 30 standardized tests. According to a widely-cited ranking, he was the 16th most influential and eminent psychologist of the 20th century. Cattell and Eysenck 3 Raymond Cattell and Hans Eyseneck, so prominent were these two men, that their work is now enshrined in the Cattellian and Eysenckian Schools of Psychology, respectively. Cattell's scholarly training began at an early age when he was awarded admission to King's College at Cambridge University where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry in 1926 (Lamb, 1997). According to personal accounts, Cattell's socialist attitudes, paired with interests developed after attending a Cyril Burt lecture in the same year, turned his attention to the study of psychology, still regarded as a philosophy (Horn, 2001). Following the completion of his doctorate studies of psychology in 1929 Cattell lectured at the University at Exeter where, in 1930, he made his first contribution to the science of psychology with the Cattell Intelligence Tests (scales 1, 2, and 3). During fellowship studies in 1932, he turned his attention to the measurement of personality focusing of the understanding of economic, social and moral problems and how objective psychological research on moral decision could aid such problems (Lamb, 1997). Cattell's most renowned contribution to the science of psychology also pertains to the study of personality. Cattell's 16 Personality Factor Model aims to construct a common taxonomy of traits using a lexical approach to narrow natural language to standard applicable personality adjectives. Though his theory has never been replicated, his contributions to factor analysis have been exceedingly valuable to the study of psychology. In order to apply factor analysis to personality, Cattell believed it necessary to sample the widest possible range of variables. He specified three kinds of data for comprehensive sampling, to capture the full range of personality dimensions: Cattell and Eysenck 4 Objective, life data (or L-data), which involves collecting data from the individual’s natural, everyday life behaviors, measuring their characteristic behavior patterns in the real world. This could range from number of traffic accidents or number of parties attended each month, to grade point average in school or number of illnesses or divorces. Experimental data (or T-data) which involves reactions to standardized experimental situations created in a lab where a subject’s behavior can be objectively observed and measured. Questionnaire data (or Q-data), which involves responses based on introspection by the individual about their own behavior and feelings. He found that this kind of direct questioning often measured subtle internal states and viewpoints that might be hard to see or measure in external behavior. In order for a personality dimension to be called â€Å"fundamental and unitary,† Cattell believed that it needed to be found in factor analyses of data from all three of these domains. Thus, Cattell constructed personality measures of a wide range of traits in each medium. He then repeatedly performed factor analyses on the data. With the help of many colleagues, Cattell's factor-analytic studies continued over several decades, eventually producing 16 fundamental factors underlying human personality. He decided to name these traits with letters (A, B, C, D, E†¦), like vitamins, in order to avoid misnaming these newly discovered dimensions, or inviting confusion with existing vocabulary and concepts. Factor-analytic studies by many researchers in diverse cultures around the world have re-validated the number and meaning of these Cattell and Eysenck 5 traits. This international confirmation and validation established Cattell’s 16 factors as objective and scientific. Cattell set about developing tests to measure these traits across different age ranges, such as The 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire for adults, the Adolescent Personality Questionnaire, and the Children’s Personality Questionnaire. These tests have now been translated into many languages and validated across different cultures. Hans Eysenck was born in Germany on March 4, 1916. His parents were actors who divorced when he was only two, and so Hans was raised by his grandmother. He left there when he was 18 years old, when the Nazis came to power. As an active Jewish sympathizer, his life was in danger. In England, he continued his education, and received his Ph. D. in Psychology from the University of London in 1940. During World War II, he served as a psychologist at an emergency hospital, where he did research on the reliability of psychiatric diagnoses. The results led him to a life-long antagonism to main-stream clinical psychology. After the war, he taught at the University of London, as well as serving as the director of the psychology department of the Institute of Psychiatry, associated with Bethlehem Royal Hospital. He has written 75 books and some 700 articles, making him one of the most prolific writers in psychology. Eysenck retired in 1983 and continued to write until his death on September 4, 1997. This aspect of personality is called individual differences. For some theories, it is the central issue. These theories often spend considerable attention on things like types and traits and tests with which we can categorize or compare people: Some people are neurotic, others are not; some people are more introverted, others more extroverted; and Cattell and Eysenck 6 so on. However, personality theorists are just as interested in the commonalities among people. What, for example, do the neurotic person and the healthy person have in common? Or what is the common structure in people that expresses itself as introversion in some and extroversion in others? If you place people on some dimension – such as healthy-neurotic or introversion-extroversion – you are saying that the dimension is something everyone can be placed on. Whether they are neurotic or not, all people have a capacity for health and ill-health; and whether introverted or extroverted, all are â€Å"verted† one way or the other. Another way of saying this is that personality theorists are interested in the structure of the individual, the psychological structure in particular. How are people â€Å"put together;† how do they â€Å"work;† how do they â€Å"fall apart. † Some theorists go a step further and say they are looking for the essence of being a person. Or they say they are looking for what it means to be an individual human being. The field of personality psychology stretches from a fairly simple empirical search for differences between people to a rather philosophical search for the meaning of life! Perhaps it is just pride, but personality psychologists like to think of their field as a sort of umbrella for all the rest of psychology. Critics of the psychology of individual differences have often claimed naively that the use of factor analysis in test construction has â€Å"only lead to confusion–since Eysenck found three factors, while Cattell found 16 factors† within the personality domain. Yet these ill-informed critics failed to understand that Eysenck and Cattell were talking about personality measurement at different levels within the hierarchical trait model. Cattell and Eysenck 7 Ray concentrated on primary factors, while Hans focused on broader secondary dimensions. Indeed, at the second-order 16PF level, the degree of communality between the Eysenckian and Cattellian factors was striking! It might be nice to start off with a definition of theories of personality. First, theory: a theory is a model of reality that helps us to understand, explain, predict, and control that reality. In the study of personality, these models are usually verbal. Every now and then, someone comes up with a graphic model, with symbolic illustrations, or a mathematical model, or even a computer model. But words are the basic form. Different approaches focus on different aspects of theory. Eysenck’s theory is based primarily on physiology and genetics. Although he is a behaviorist who considers learned habits of great importance, he considers personality differences as growing out of our genetic inheritance. He is, therefore, primarily interested in what is usually called temperament. Eysenck is also primarily a research psychologist. His methods involve a statistical technique called factor analysis. This technique extracts a number of â€Å"dimensions† from large masses of data. For example, if you give long lists of adjectives to a large number of people for them to rate themselves on, you have prime raw material for factor analysis. Imagine, for example, a test that included words like â€Å"shy,† â€Å"introverted,† â€Å"outgoing,† â€Å"wild,† and so on. Obviously, shy people are likely to rate themselves high on the first two words, and low on the second two. Outgoing people are likely to do the reverse. Factor analysis extracts dimensions – factors – such as shy outgoing from the mass of information. The Cattell and Eysenck 8 researcher then examines the data and gives the factor a name such as â€Å"introversion-extraversion. † There are other techniques that will find the â€Å"best fit† of the data to various possible dimensions, and others still that will find â€Å"higher level† dimensions – factors that organize the factors, like big headings organize little headings. Eysenck's original research found two main dimensions of temperament: neuroticism and extraversion introversion. Neuroticism is the name Eysenck gave to a dimension that ranges from normal, fairly calm and collected people to one’s that tend to be quite â€Å"nervous. † His research showed that these nervous people tended to suffer more frequently from a variety of â€Å"nervous disorders† we call neuroses, hence the name of the dimension. But understand that he was not saying that people who score high on the neuroticism scale are necessarily neurotics – only that they are more susceptible to neurotic problems. His second dimension is extraversion-introversion. By this he means something very similar to what Jung meant by the same terms, and something very similar to our common-sense understanding of them: Shy, quiet people â€Å"versus† out-going, even loud people. This dimension, too, is found in everyone, but the physiological explanation is a bit more complex. Eysenck hypothesized that extraversion-introversion is a matter of the balance of â€Å"inhibition† and â€Å"excitation† in the brain itself. These are ideas that Pavlov came up with to explain some of the differences he found in the reactions of his various dogs to stress. Excitation is the brain waking itself up, getting into an alert, learning state. Inhibition is the brain calming itself down, either in the usual sense of relaxing and going to sleep, or in the sense of protecting itself in the case of overwhelming stimulation. Cattell and Eysenck 9 To bring to a close, although Cattell contributed much to personality research through the use of factor analysis his theory is greatly criticized. The most apparent criticism of Cattell's 16 Personality Factor Model is the fact that despite many attempts his theory has never been entirely replicated. In 1971, Howarth and Brown's factor analysis of the 16 Personality Factor Model found 10 factors that failed to relate to items present in the model. Howarth and Brown concluded, â€Å"that the 16 PF does not measure the factors which it purports to measure at a primary level (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1987) Studies conducted by Sell et al. (1970) and by Eysenck and Eysenck (1969) also failed to verify the 16 Personality Factor Model's primary level (Noller, Law, Comrey, 1987). Also, the reliability of Cattell's self-report data has also been questioned by researchers (Schuerger, Zarrella, & Hotz, 1989). Cattell and colleagues responded to the critics by maintaining the stance that the reason the studies were not successful at replicating the primary structure of the 16 Personality Factor model was because the studies were not conducted according to Cattell's methodology. However, using Cattell's exact methodology, Kline and Barrett (1983), only were able to verify four of sixteen primary factors (Noller, Law & Comrey, 1987). In response to Eysenck's criticism, Cattell, himself, published the results of his own factor analysis of the 16 Personality Factor Model, which also failed to verify the hypothesized primary factors (Eysenck, 1987). Despite all the criticism of Cattell's hypothesis, his empirical findings lead the way for investigation and later discovery of the ‘Big Five' dimensions of personality. Fiske (1949) and Tupes and Christal (1961) simplified Cattell's variables to five recurrent Cattell and Eysenck 10 factors known as extraversion or surgency, agreeableness, consciousness, motional stability and intellect or openness (Pervin & John, 1999). Cattell's Sixteen Personality Factor Model has been greatly criticized by many researchers, mainly because of the inability of replication. More than likely, during Cattell's factor analysis errors in computation occurred resulting in skewed data, thus the inability to replicate. Since, computer programs for factor analysis did not exist during Ca ttell's time and calculations were done by hand it is not surprising that some errors occurred. However, through investigation into to the validity of Cattell's model researchers did discover the Big Five Factors, which have been monumental in understanding personality, as we know it today. In summary, Humanists and Existentialists tend to focus on the understanding part. They believe that much of what we are is way too complex and embedded in history and culture to â€Å"predict and control. † Besides, they suggest, redacting and controlling people is, to a considerable extent, unethical. Behaviorists and Freudians, on the other hand, prefer to discuss prediction and control. If an idea is useful, if it works, go with it! Understanding, to them, is secondary. Another definition says that a theory is a guide to action: We figure that the future will be something like the past. We figure that certain sequences and patterns of events that have occurred frequently before are likely to occur again. So we look to the first events of a sequence, or the most vivid parts of a pattern, to serve as our landmarks and warning signals. A theory is a little like a map: It isn't the same as the countryside it describes; it certainly doesn't give you every detail; it may not even be terribly accurate. But it does provide a guide to action.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Nursing Home Facility versus a General Acute Care Hospital

A nursing home facility also known as a rest home can be defined as a place of residence for people who need constant nursing care. A nursing home offers a range of services in addition to skilled nursing and custodial care. These services include a room all meals, social activities, personal care, 24 hour nursing supervision and access to medical services. On the other hand a general acute care hospital is a health facility or institution which offers emergency medical, surgical and intensive care together with maternity services for admitted patients as well out patients. This care is given around the clock with the presence of a registered nursing staff and daily visits of the physician (Morton, P. Hudak, C. & Gallo B. (1998). Most nursing homes provide two basic types of services which include skilled medical care and custodial care. Skilled Medicare services are offered by trained professionals and can be required for a limited period of time in case of an injury or illness. Consequently, skilled care may be needed on a long term basis if a resident/ patient requires injections or other treatments which are long term. This skilled medical care involves physical therapy where the resident is helped to walk or get on or out of bed and even toileting. In case the patients or residents have wounds the nurse is supposed to assist in wound care which involves dressing and administration of antibiotics and monitoring on intravenous fluids. Custodial or personal care includes assistance in dressing, bathing, eating, walking and even toileting. Custodial care is required since people recovering may temporarily need assistance before they are able to work for themselves. Skilled and custodial care in a nursing home facility is given by a licensed and registered nurse who is supposed to be on duty all day long. The care is given until the patients are able to return to their homes and take care of themselves without much assistance or when the facility feels that there could be no further improvements on the individual patient. Some nursing homes do not have facilities that are certified for Medicare for example beds therefore; this facility is more of a residential home since it provides a room, meals and other necessary requirements for daily living and recreation. The patients here are treated more like a family since the nurses are able to cater more to their specific needs whether emotional or medical (Weiss al, 2001) While receiving skilled or rehabilitation, the nursing home will provide custodial care together with professional services, however the Medicaid paid does not cover all the cost of care and this means that the resident must cater for the other costs. A physician attends residents in a nursing home occasionally when need arises. Whereas in a General Acute Care Hospital, nursing, care is oriented and motivated by urgency. Diagnostic and therapeutic modalities are readily available and therefore immediate medical care decisions are necessary. Like in a nursing home, nursing care here is given by a registered nurse who is present all around the clock. In this facility medical care is instituted on admission and there are daily visits of the physician Like in the nursing home, skilled care is given to the patients together with custodial care until patients have recovered or when they are referred to a nursing for fur ther monitoring and care by a physician. Nursing services are highly specialized due to a high rate of admissions and emergency. A high percentage of professional staff in the nursing department may also contribute to the specialization (Green gold NL.2004). This kind of facility attends to acute cases which may not be taken care of at home or a nursing home. Equally all the facilities are certified and patients are attended at individual level. Conclusion There are significant differences on the care of patients in a Nursing Home Facility and in a General Acute Care Hospital. These differences are so pronounced and are not necessary since both of the two facilities are health care facilities and all the residents’ medical care on a daily basis. The main objective of a health care facility is the provision of quality services. References: Green gold NL. When can we change an established medical practice? AHA News: 2004:40:6 Morton, P. Hudak, C. & Gallo B. (1998). Critical care nursing: a holistic approach 7th ed. Lippincott, Williams, Wilkins Weiss Man, DE; Griffre, J; Muchka, S; Matson, S. Improving pain management in long term care facilities. Journal of palliative medicine; 2001; 4:4:567-573 Â  

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Prometheus Essay

Johann wolfgang Von Goethe â€Å"Prometheus† 1. Prometheus is the speaker of this poem, and he is speaking to the god of the gods. 2. In the first stanza, a simile occurs, it says â€Å"And, like the boy who lops the thistles’ heads† This simile here was revealed by Prometheus and he was referring Zeus to an evil trickster young man. Furthermore, the purpose of this simile is to visualize the boy who is ripping off the heads of a beautiful flower, which is an evil action. However, The reason that Prometheus is referring Zeus to this evil young man is because he thinks that he is an innocent person and Zeus is abusing him. 3. In the second stanza, Prometheus explains the procedure to make all the Gods powerless. Prometheus, who is the speaker of the poem, suggests that Gods are not confident enough of their place and they feel weak. The Gods are nourishing their hunger by people’s worship, prayer, and their obedient towards him. However, the speaker also reveals that they are taking advantage of people who are in trouble, therefore people would rely on them. In conclusion, the Gods would not be as powerful without people’s prayer and worship. 4. The rhetorical questions in stanza five focuses on the God and their unique characteristic such as selfishness. Prometheus reveals their personality in a negative way. Prometheus says that Gods do not help people who are in trouble if they don’t get a reward from it. Also, he mentions that if a God feels pity on another God, the other Gods would try to avoid that God and treat him differently. In the last rhetorical question in the last sentence is towards the readers, exploring the reason why people would worship these kinds of Gods. The overall effect on this series is to convince people to stand on Prometheus’s side and avoid the Gods. 5. in the fifth stanza, there are two words which are personified. These words are time and fate. In the text, it says â€Å"time is omnipotent† which mean time is very powerful and have authority to rule and control over man. And another one is fate; it says â€Å"fate is eternal that never dies or ending† It emphasizes that fate is powerful as well as time.                                    6. Dreams was an image used in stanza six, was helping the reader to learn about the speaker. He says that even his dream or wish is not accomplished, he will not run away. He will follow his dream and not be defeated no matter what happens. 7. He says that he will create a human being who is just like him. So, the Gods would not get any prayer or worship from the people. Prometheus plans to destroy the gods using human beings. 8. The overall tone of this poem is anger and hate. Prometheus curse towards Gods and especially Zeus. Prometheus’s strong tone reveals his anger and feeling towards Zeus. Lord Byron (George Gordon Byron) â€Å"Prometheus† 1. There are two significant differences between both â€Å"Prometheus† poems. The poem from Von Goethe is written in Prometheus’s point of view and he was addressing it to Zeus. But, the other one is written in Lord Byron’s point of view. Where â€Å"Prometheus† is unidentified. In this poem, there is no direct evidence that we can find the speaker, but we could assume who it is addressing to, which Prometheus. In addition, the poem by Von Goethe is full of anger and hate towards Gods, However, the poem by Lord Byron is much more calm and has some love towards Prometheus 2. The rock, the vulture, and the pain. These three symbols are representing Prometheus’s punishment by Zeus. According to Prometheus’s myth, he is chained to the rock and he is getting tortured by the vulture which comes everyday and eats Prometheus’s river. The poem is saying Prometheus sacrificed himself to help human, which caused him to feel the pain that never ends. 3. â€Å"The suffocation sense of woe†¦ And then is jealous lest the sky should have a listener† Instantly, I could imagine how big this woe could be that it is enough to suffocate one, it doesn’t mean that woe itself suffocating physically. It means that the sense of woe is too concerning that it suffocating one mentally. Also, sky is personified and the image of Prometheus arises. This quote is saying Prometheus is suffering because of loneliness too. He has no company but the sky, to talk to. The loneliness causes him to have more pain. 4. These three words are creating an image of heaven and hell. The word â€Å"Fate† used to represent heaven and â€Å"Hate† represent hell. 5. Thunderer is Zeus. Zeus’s main symbol is lightening or thunder. 6. The speaker gives an image of Prometheus getting punished by Zeus and how much he is enduring the pain and the torture. The speaker also gives the reader an idea of the cruelty of Zeus. 7. â€Å"Man† defines a symbol referring to Prometheus. 8. I think Prometheus is a symbol for rebel, but also a reader. I agree with the speaker’s statement, because even Prometheus is one of gods, he loved human more than his own kind. Prometheus decided to disobey Zeus and helped human by stealing fire from god. By this event, human could have enough power to stand by themselves without asking for help to gods. 9. This statement is paradox, because usually death is not good thing, but it is good thing for Prometheus. Prometheus never gave up or regrets his choice even he is getting torture every day, so if he dies finally, he will not have any pain. Also, Lord Byron was Christian and he believed there is an afterlife. So, if Prometheus dies

Electric Medical Records Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Electric Medical Records - Essay Example In addition, the paper will highlight network infrastructure and the end user devices and other technology considerations. There are stimulus programs and government initiatives in the United States, the European Commission of eHealth Action Plan, Canada’s Health Inforway, and China’s Guidelines on deepening the reform of the Healthcare System; which accelerate the clinical applications adoption. EMR infrastructure provides portfolio to offer integrated and validated solutions in the healthcare industry. EMR transforms electronic care processes in the industry. With a well developed IT infrastructure, there will be a high level of performance, security, availability, integration, and virtualization of health records. The computer network and technology infrastructure that supports EMR in healthcare infrastructure is EMC EHR Infrastructure Solutions Suite. As a current technology, it can transform and change completely the healthcare infrastructure. It can do this throug h consolidating, managing and virtualization of clinical applications effectively and efficiently. It can also ensure the security of personally identified information and protected health information in the delivery of care. EMC HER Infrastructure Solutions Suite can also protect both past and future healthcare information technology investment. The EMC HER Infrastructure Solutions Suite also ensure improvement of clinical workflow and productivity for collaborative and safer care decisions. This cuts out the present EMR framework that is being used. Although NextGen KBM 5.6 framework is advantageous compared to manual recording systems, it is wise enough for the recent medical data recording and maintenance specifications set by the federal government calls for the deployment of a more complex but smoother EMR technology. It is of much importance that a more centralized and coherent data administration system should be adopted. Development of online collaboration and adoption of u niform terminology are the major areas of challenge, where improvements are highly desired in order to advance the current EMR (NextGen and NEON, 2011). On a daily basis, healthcare organizations process an increasing data amounts. Currently, it’s a challenge to share information and connect affiliated doctors in a health system. In most healthcare organizations, there is no current technology that offers an end to end electronic medical record solution that enhances standards for accessibility, accuracy, and security. There is a manual system of processing patient flows which is tiresome and complicated. In the current situation, workflow processes are analyzed and documented. There are various inefficiencies and bottlenecks even in the billing system. The current processes that require and efficient EMR infrastructure include: Billing, scheduling appointments, referral management, procedures of office visits, patient check-in and check-out, and e-prescribing and laboratorie s (NextGen and NEON, 2011). There are various gaps and issues in the healthcare environment concerning EMR. There is a huge lack of innovation in the health records thwarting the attempts of doctors to advance the process and workflow of healthcare. The vendors of EMR control the data and even resist functionality improvement as well, although they reap financial gains from it. The EMR vendors have always insisted on the uniqueness of healthcare

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Reflection paper Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Reflection paper - Article Example In this paper, I write to reflect on the lessons learned throughout the semester, knowledge gained and what I can do to improve my voice quality. According to Kist (13) tension murders vibration. The negative environmental influences and self-defenses against emotional distress results in poor voice production. I have learnt several barriers to outstanding voice quality throughout the semester. In this regard, I have learned that tension is the greatest enemy to excellent voice production. Tension makes it difficult for individuals to produce their natural voice. Essentially, tension lowers an individual’s confidence and, therefore, he/she ends up producing low-quality voice that is not natural. Doing vocal warm up plays an essential role in releasing tension and building strong personal confidence. In addition, warming up gives an individual a chance to polish up on challenging areas in order to produce a synchronized and high-quality voice. I have learnt several benefits of vocal warm up in class and through personal research. For instance, warming up gives the speaker the courage to face the audience. After learning about the outcome of vocal /physical warm up and practicing it, I have noticed several changes in voice production before and after warming up. For instance, after warming up, I realized that my courage to face the audience improved, and I was able to make a smooth speech. On the contrary, before warming up, I had the fear of facing a crowd of people, and I had no enough confidence. In essence, vocal/physical warm up prepares an individual psychologically before the actual performance. People have varied voices and therefore perform differently on stage. Through watching some television programs and theater, I have identified that people have varied voices. Some people have soft voices and others rough voices. Watching theater and some television programs taught me a lot on matters regarding voice. Through watching theater, I learned how

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Electric cars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Electric cars - Essay Example The concept of electric cars is non-conventional in Ontario as those which are working on the fuel efficiency theorem in the region are dragging up with the hybrid school of thought. The Ontario manufacturer is onto the challenge of producing electric cars, which will be new to the market and require a comprehensive strategy to get accepted in the market. The need here is to bring a strong workable marketing plan in order to make the thought of the manufacturer successful in the market (Chan & Chau, 2001). This paper is focusing on the commercialization plan of the electric cars to be produced by a regional Ontario manufacturer, which is presently producing 75 cars per month and looking onto producing 200 cars per month in 2014. The plan will be asserting the strategies to make the idea successful in the market. The primary aim is to make the plan attentive to the market- a plan that can most attract the market consumers and developers. Commercialization Plan The first stage of the c ommercialization plan of electric cars is to bring a conductive demonstration of the idea of electric cars (Barnes & Brumfitt, 2001). The demonstration is to state potencies of the technology, the design and the concept to be introduced by the manufacturer in the Ontario market. After the plan is well asserted, the next stage is of execution which will endorse the plan into real means and in real outcomes (generation of market feedback). Here is how the demonstration of the plan engages the market of Ontario: Technology (Describing the Product) Electric cars are concept cars based on electro-mechanical function. The technology is derived from hybrid cars which are aimed to fuel efficiency and intake the combination of multiple fuels (gasoline or diesel) during operation (Jolly, 1997). The Canadian company is up on launching fully electric car in Ontario- a design that is a passenger car with space of 4 passengers at a time. Similarly, the design is ranging a speed range of 200 kilom etres with high economical fuel consumption capability (Rafinejad, 2007). The design is basically a zero fuel emission design as there are fuel cells placed instead of internal combustion engine to become a green fuel supply for the car. Apart from all, the three major components of the car, the fuel cells power supply unit, fly wheel power storage unit and electric motor propulsion unit further adds to the efficiency and value of the car. Such valuable components are to balance out the electro-mechanical load on the car especially at the time when the car is at the higher torque rate (Battery University, 2013). Key Success Factors The manufacturer is aiming for an electric car that is vibrant to address city driving needs. Ontario which is a busy state and where drivers are usually on moderate speeds, this electric car is going to touch the basic state driver’s requirements (Survant, 2013). The electric car will maximize to a speed capacity of two hundred kilometres as the f uel cells placed in the car are highly power driven. This makes the car a complete electric drive, meeting the basic purpose of driving in highly efficient ways. Customer attraction for car has remained important for the manufacturer and for which it is going to come up with multiple attracted color ranges. The car will appear in market with blue, red, white, sterling metallic and black exterior

Monday, August 26, 2019

World War 1 and how it impacted the world today Essay

World War 1 and how it impacted the world today Politically,Geographically and Economically - Essay Example The war that took place between 1914 and 1918 cased immeasurable destruction of human beings, immense loss of properties, as well as impacting heavily on political, social, and economy of the world. It should be noted that the war led to the emergence of the scientific evolution of capitalism and subsequent progress in scientific fields that later led to the introduction and development of information technology concerning war including technologically propelled missiles. In terms of social segregation, it is reported that the First World War that lasted for a period of four years led to the death of eighty lakhs of persons to countless being wounded. It is also noted that between eight and ten lakh of people were missing because of the war. In many counties, this war led to abolishment of monarchies thereby leading to the introduction of the contemporary democratic governments that many countries are still fighting for until to date2. The war led to the understanding of the signific ance of the human right that initiated to other civil wars. The understanding of the human right led and still leads to the emergence of civil right authorities that are constituted mainly to fight for human rights in places or countries that such are felt to be lacking. Lots of money was spent to facilitate the war and this led to immense deterioration of the world’s economy an effect that is being felt in the form of current global recession. At the end of the war, the prices of articles among other commodities went up thereby leading to starvation that stalked the world since the end of the war. The expensive nature of life made different governments to restrict prices of different commodities. This made some governments richer than others while others were being exploited thereby becoming much poorer3. Moreover, governments imposed huge taxes on their subject. Notably, the effects of the World War 1 led to the great recession that made many nations suffer until to date. T here was great demand for food and clothes among other commodities for war, these were never supplied to meet needed demands; therefore, at the end of the war, many factories and mills were established to supply these commodities especially in preparation to any other war since the war led to mistrust between nations. These factories and mills among other industries led to the creation of the workers’ movements that were created to solve problems between the employers and workers. In other words, these movements were recognized to be fighting for the rights of workers. Such movements have lasted until in the contemporary world where they are being recognized as unions of works. 4Currently, these unions are immensely powerful that they can lead to temporary halting of the processes and operation of any organization that grossly infringe or interferes with the rights of the workers. Additionally, the World War 1 burdened many countries that for many years the path of progress o f many nations remained impeded. The war led to mistrust between nations making many nations to remain secretive in their operations especially in their security details. Some nations process weapons in the readiness in any war that might have cropped afterwards. Notably, the effects of the world war one led to the Second World War that involved the use of more sophisticated weapons than those in the First World War. For instance, Japan used nuclear warheads in the Second World War and this influenced negatively on human health for generations. It should also be noted that the aftermath of the First World War that led to enmity between the Middle East and America that led to the emergence of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Mackie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mackie - Essay Example The analogy of a stone created by the divine that is too heavy for even God to lift suggests limitations to God and, therefore, refutes his omnipotence. When suggesting that the God is incapable of creating a stone too heavy for himself to lift, then he was never omnipotent to begin with. In so many ways, using the Paradox of Omnipotence to suggest that God maintains limitations is a scientific or secular attempt to refute the possibility of God’s existence. Mackie argues that whether or not men are the creator of evil by their own consciousness, the paradox of omnipotence is still valid, thus it cannot be avoided. It would seem to suggest that Mackie believes that God would be incapable of removing evil from the world or from the hearts of men, thus he should be considered without omnipotence for it proposes a limitation. If God is said to be inherently good, then a failure to remove evil deeds from the word suggests he has created a situation out of his absolute control. I disagree strongly with Mackie’s position, perhaps with some level of personal bias, in suggesting that there are limitations to God’s omnipotence. Not all actions performed by God can be rationalized, and it is commonly cited in society that God works in mysterious ways. Since none in modern society have met God to discuss his motivations and opinions, it would be impossible to suggest that God is unable to provide contradictions. His testaments speak of considerable love and forgiveness, but at the same time there appear to be no actions undertaken to remove evil. It would be illogical to assume that God is not without complicated and complex reasoning, thus he could be standing idle allowing evil to exist for a specific purpose. Perhaps the evil occurring today is a means toward an end, which does not by any practical lens suggest that

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Critically assess the relevance of Marxist theory to the study of Essay

Critically assess the relevance of Marxist theory to the study of media texts - Essay Example Moore looks into the presidency of George W. Bush and analyzes the future of the country in the light of his policies and actions. Moore alleges that Bush family had long-term business relationship with the Saudi royalty and the family of bin Ladens. Bush and his inner circle avoided pursuing the Saudi connection to 9/11, despite the fact that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis and Saudi money had allegedly funded Al Qaeda (Fahrenheit 9/11). Fahrenheit 9/11 shows how a nation is kept in constant fear by FBI alerts and ultimately lulled into accepting the USA Patriot Act, that according to the film infringes on basic civil rights further adding that it is in this atmosphere of "confusion, suspicion and dread" that the Bush Administration "invades" Iraq. Fahrenheit 9/11 shows clips of the war to highlight the US casualties and the human cost to individual soldiers and their families thus invoking anti-state feelings within the armed forces. The core narrative of Fahrenheit 9/11 paraphrased from various reviews on the film: the Bush administration seize... ure the world's second largest reservoir of oil-all on the dubious grounds that Saddam Hussein was behind Al Qaeda's attack on World Trade Centre and his regime which possessed weapons of mass destruction posed a serious threat to the security of the United States and its Western allies. Fahrenheit 9/11 has been one of the most controversial and provocative documentary films since 2004 when it was released in the United States and worldwide. It seems to have borrowed the title and inspiration from Ray Bradbury's fiction novel "Fehrenheir 451" published in 1953. The thrust of the novel is towards highlighting the major concerns of the 1950s such as McCarthyite witch-hunt against communists , burning of books in Nazi Germany; Soviet leader Stalin's suppression of writers and books and the horrifying consequences of a nuclear weapon on the fictional town of Phoenix. Fahrenheit 451 belongs to George Orwell's "Big Brother" genre which is not exactly a Marxist comment on the society but a reflection of Western liberal thought. One may argue that Bush comes out in the film as the main protagonist, however, in its over all impact the film, wittingly or unwittingly, shuns narrative structure of story-telling that is the hallmark of the Hollywood style of film-making. Vertov and his colleagues believed both in the absolute ability of the cinema apparatus to reproduce reality as it actually appears and in the necessity of editing to arrange this reality into an expressive and persuasive whole. This doctrine, called by Vertov kino-glaz ("cinema-eye"), contributed significantly to the montage aesthetics which came to dominate the Soviet cinema after 1924. (Cook, 1996 p.134) Fahrenheit 911 does not use a protagonist or a narrative and uses a format which is more associated with the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Cover Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 12

Cover Letter - Essay Example Apart from my degree certificate from one of the most respected colleges in the country, I also have various talents that can be of use to your organization. To mention a few, I am quite conversant with the yoga techniques, which were some of the requirements in your advertisement. I can comfortably offer yoga training to the rest of the employees. I am also good in volleyball and good in netball. Moreover, I am a fast as well as accurate writer and learner. I have good leadership qualities and I attended a leadership-training program while I was in college. My interpersonal skills are enviable. However, all these certificates are attached to my CV. What attracted me most to you organization is the great match that does exist between my talents and your requirements. Have full assurance that I will transform your company to being a top performer, with the theme of teamwork being the operational theme. Additionally, your compensation is competitive. I will be more than happy to work with

Thursday, August 22, 2019

EU LAW Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

EU LAW - Coursework Example In this regards, Article 21 states that there should not be any discrimination with respect to religion, colour, cultural or social origin, generic features, language, political faith, minority, property, disability, age and gender (Pearson Education, n.d.). Principles of Directive 2004/38 Article 6 denotes that EU Citizens have the right of residence on the area of other EU member nations for a period up to three month (Europa, 2004). Hence, considering the principles stated in Article 6 of EU Law, as an EU citizen, Sally has the right to reside in Spain for employment purposes for three months. However, if Sally desires to remain in Spain for over 3 months, there is a need for registering herself with any of the relevant governmental bodies in the region such as â€Å"town hall† or â€Å"local police station†. ... The Directive principles have also been pursued for eliminating needless limitations on the â€Å"Free Movement of Workers†. This directive principle has perpetually narrowed the pathway for employees, so that they can search for work in any other EU nations. On the basis of Directive 2004/38/EC, the people of EU can authorise their existence in any of the EU nations within a rational and unbiased span of time. However, depending on the duration to reside in foreign nations, other procedures also require to be fulfilled (European Parliament, n.d.). Case 48/75 Royer under Directive 2004/38 -14(4) (b) The case of Royer provides significant insight about the free movement of workers. The case agrees that freedom of institution of self-employed person and autonomy to offer services are all reinforced by the injunction of discrimination with respect to nationality. In the case, it has been depicted that freedom of employees depend on the similar principles as they concern the entry and reside into other EU nation which has been considered within the community regulations and the preventions of all judgements which is majorly based on racial differences (Tovey, 2003). Article 18 TFEU The subject matter of Article 18 TFEU is to implement initiatives with the aim to combat discrimination on the basis of nationality. To be precise, this article states that the right of individuals will not be differentiated with respect to race which is considered as the fundamental principle of EU law (Pearson Education, n.d.). Article 6 of Regulation 1612/68 In the year 1968, the â€Å"Council of European Communities† sanctioned â€Å"Council

Perfect competition Essay Example for Free

Perfect competition Essay A profit maximiser increases output until MC=MR at Q1. The intersection of MC with MR gives the profit maximising level of output. The intersection of MC with MR gives the profit maximising level of output. To find the market price one must project up from Q1 to the demand curve and across the vertical price axis, P1. Consumers are willing to pay P1 for Q1. Unit costs are only P2 so the firm is making an abnormal profit of (P1-P2)*Q1. The four key characteristics of monopoly are: (1) a single firm selling all output in a market, (2) a unique product, (3) restrictions on entry into and exit out of the industry, and more often than not (4) specialized information about production techniques unavailable to other potential producers. These four characteristics mean that a monopoly has extensive (boarding on complete) market control. Monopoly controls the selling side of the market. If anyone seeks to acquire the production sold by the monopoly, then they must buy from the monopoly. This means that the demand curve facing the monopoly is the market demand curve. They are one and the same. The characteristics of monopoly are in direct contrast to those of perfect competition. A perfectly competitive industry has a large number of relatively small firms, each producing identical products. Firms can freely move into and out of the industry and share the same information about prices and production techniques. Single supplier: The essence of a monopoly is a market controlled by a single seller. The most important aspect of being a single seller is that the monopoly seller IS the market. The market demand for a good IS the demand for the output produced by the monopoly. This makes monopoly a price maker, rather than a price taker. Unique Product: To be the only seller of a product, however, a monopoly must have a unique product. There are no close substitutes. A monopoly is an ONLY seller of a UNIQUE product. Barriers to Entry and Exit : A monopoly is generally assured of being the ONLY firm in a market because of assorted barriers to entry. Some of the key barriers to entry are: (1) government license or franchise, (2) resource ownership, (3) patents and copyrights, (4) high start-up cost, and (5) decreasing average total cost. A monopoly might also face barriers to exiting a market. If government deems that the product provided by the monopoly is essential for well-being of the public, then the monopoly might be prevented from leaving the market; Specialized Information Monopoly is commonly characterized by control of information or production technology not available to others. This specialized information often comes in the form of legally-established patents, copyrights, or trademarks. It could be a secret recipe or formula. Perhaps it is a unique method of production. While these create legal barriers to entry they also indicate that information is not perfectly shared by all. Natural Monopoly Sometimes markets become monopolies simply because it is more cost effective to have one firm serving an entire market than it is to have a number of smaller firms competing with one another. Firms whose economies of scale are virtually unlimited are known as natural monopolies, and the goods they produce are referred to as club goods. These firms come to be monopolies because their size and position makes it impossible for new entrants to compete on price. Natural monopolies are usually found in industries with high fixed costs and low marginal costs of operation, such as cable television, telephone, and internet providers. Legal Monopoly Sometimes a government will pass laws reserving a specific trade, product or service for government agencies. For example, many times a government agency will be in charge of running water. The legal barriers that are put up prevent other companies from competing with the government. Technological monopoly occurs when the good or service the company provides is has legal protection in the form of a patent or copyright. For example, if a company develops and patents a drug to cure brain cancer, that company has a legal monopoly over that drug.? Arguments for monopoly : The beneficial effects of economies of scale, economies of scope, and cost complementaries on price and output may outweigh the negative effects of market power. Encourage innovation.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Flexural Response of Concrete Structures

Flexural Response of Concrete Structures Literature Review Introduction This chapter provides a literature review on the previous studies that have been conducted on the flexural response of FRP/FRC structures. Previous studies related to the effect of using discrete fibers on the concrete properties are first presented with a focus on the use of non-metallic fibers. Later in the chapter, previous studies conducted on continuous FRP-reinforced structures are presented. The chapter ends with a presentation on the research needs and the current research objectives. Fiber-reinforced concrete Background Concrete is known for its superior compressive capabilities. However, it has certain deficiencies like weak tensile strength, low durability, and brittleness. The high demand on more resilient concrete with better durability properties led to the development of fiber-reinforced concrete. Adding discrete fibers to concrete mixtures helps in bridging the micro and macro cracks. The random distribution of fibers resists the propagation of cracks in all directions unlike the longitudinal reinforcing bars that resist in only one direction. Fiber bridging allows stress to be transferred across the cracks, enhancing both flexure and shear resistance. In addition, fiber bridging enhances crack controlling by reducing the crack width and spacing. These enhancements result in better post-cracking ductility and energy absorption capacity. Fiber types Fibers are added to concrete mix to restrict the growth of cracks. Several types of fibers are commonly used in concrete construction. These fibers can be metallic like steel fibers, synthetic as polypropylene or natural like jute. The first two types of fibers are the most commonly used in civil engineering applications. Metallic fibers are known for their high ultimate strength, while the alkaline resistance of synthetic fibers makes them suitable for harsh environments. The usage of fibers depends on the required behavior of concrete. A comparison between the physical properties of different fibers is found in table 2-1. Metallic fibers Steel fibers are the most common metallic fibers, and the most frequently used fibers in concrete structures. They are known for their high tensile strength, availability and their reasonable cost.   Their high strength enhances the post-cracking behaviour of the concrete. This enhancement boosts concrete ability to control cracks and shrinkage. Different shapes and geometries are available to use in market. The typical diameter varies between 0.10 to 1 mm. Steel fibers could be straight, end-hooked, crimped, and flattened-end (Figure 2-1); this versatility helps in fulfilling market needs. Figure 2- 1: Various steel fibers shapes (Susetyo, 2009) Synthetic fibers Recently, the desire to use synthetic fibers, as an additional reinforcement for concrete,  Ã‚   has significantly grown. Known for their resistance for alkaline conditions, synthetic fibers became an attractive substitute for steel fibers in concrete applications.   In addition, they are chemically inert and have high melting point, which make them appropriate for structures subjected to aggressive environmental attacks. Synthetic fibers, figure 2-2, can be categorized according to their modulus of elasticity. Except for carbon and kelvar fibers, most of the synthetic fibers fall in low modulus of elasticity category, such as polypropylene, polyester and nylon. Synthetic fibers are very flexible, which prevent fibers from sticking or breaking during concrete pumping. Figure 2- 2: Synthetic fiber (adapted from Natural fibers Fibers extracted from animals, such as hair and jute, are the oldest type of fibers used in fiber reinforced concrete. Comparing with their fibers counterparts, they are considered cheap, eco-friendly and available in many countries. With the implementation of new technology, fibers could be extracted from new sources such as basalt rocks. Due to their high resistivity to alkalis and acids, basalt fibers (Figure2-3), made themselves an appropriate candidate for concrete applications. Recent studies conducted by Jianxun Ma et al (2012) and Kizilkanat et al (2015), demonstrated the ability of basalt fibers to enhance the durability and post cracking behavior of concrete. Figure 2- 3: Basalt fibers (adapted from Table 2-1: Different fibers and their properties Fiber Diameter Youngs Modulus Tensile strength Type mm GPa MPa Metallic Steel 0.10-1.0 180-200 700-1800 Synthetic Polypropylene 0.02-1.0 5 450 Polyester 0.01-0.10 10-150 150-3000 Kelvar 0.01-0.03 50-70 3500-4000 Natural Wood 0.02-0.15 10-50 300-1000 Jute 0.10-0.20 25-35 250-350 Factors affecting the properties of FRC Fiber volume fraction The amount of fibers added to a concrete mix is measured as a percentage of the total volume of concrete and fibers. This percentage is called fiber volume fraction (Vf).   It generally ranges from 0.5 to 3%. Previous studies showed that the fiber volume fraction is the most influencing parameter on the properties of FRC. It has been shown that increasing the fiber volume fraction enhances the compressive strength, the post-cracking behavior, and the ductility of the concrete element (Jianxun Ma et al., 2012). The increase in the fiber content increases the probability of intersecting the cracks and therefore boosts the ability of concrete to resist cracks. However, higher fiber contents could lead to workability loss and segregation of the concrete constituents. Problems associated with the high fiber content occur as a result of the decreased paste volume fraction available for the free movements of the fibers and aggregates. Kakooei et al. (2012) investigated the properties of concrete mixes reinforced with polypropylene fibers. The concrete compressive strength, its permeability, and its electric resistivity were evaluated. The fibers were added in amounts that ranged between 0 to 2 kg per cubic meter. It was reported that concrete samples with 1.5 kg per cubic meter of polypropylene fibers showed better results in comparison with other samples. The concrete compressive strength was found to be proportional to the amount of fibers added in the mix. The study conducted by Jianxun Ma et al (2012) on the influence of basalt fiber content (added in amounts of 1 to 3%) on the physical and mechanical properties of traditional cement-based materials. Fluidity and cube compressive strength tests were carried out. Test results showed that the above-mentioned properties were inversely proportional to the added fiber content. In addition, it was proven that the toughness index was directly proportional to the fiber content up to 2%. Kizilkanat et al (2015) studied the effect of fiber dosage of basalt and glass fibers on the mechanical properties of FRC. Basalt fiber reinforced concrete (BFRC) specimens showed the highest compressive strength at 0.50% whereas the glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) showed the highest compressive strength at 0.75%. Both mixes showed a reduction in their modulus of elasticity with the increase of the fiber dosage. A40% increase in the splitting tensile strength was observed in the BFRC mix at 1.0%. The increase in the flexure strength was more pronounced in the BFRC mix and was directly proportional to the fiber dosage used. BFRC specimens showed flexural strengths13 and 34% higher than those of the plain concrete specimens at Vf= 0.5 and 1%, respectively. On the other hand, GFRC specimens showed marginal increase in their flexural strengths with Vf= 0.5%. Fiber dosage of 0.25% had no effect on the fracture energy for both types of mixes. However, the fracture energy increased b y 50% at Vf=1% in both mixtures. Fiber aspect ratio Fiber aspect ratio is defined as the ratio of the fiber length to its diameter (.Previous studies havedemonstrated that the fiber aspect ratio affected the properties of fiber reinforced concrete. High aspect ratios enhance the bond between the fiber and the matrix, which creates a stiff matrix and enhances the bonding between concrete and fibers. Shah and Rangan (1971) stated that the higher the aspect ratio the greater the ability of fibers to transmit stresses through cracks. Iyer et al. (2014) evaluated the 28-day compressive strength and modulus of rupture of basalt fiber reinforced concrete beams. Specimens had different volume fractions and aspect ratios (same diameters but varying lengths). Plain concrete and steel fiber reinforcement specimens were cast as references. It was found that increasing the fiber length and the fiber amount considerably reduced the workability of concrete. The fiber length had an insignificant effect on the modulus of rupture and the compressive strength of concrete when low percentages of fibers were used. For high fiber percentages, the results showed an increase in the modulus of rupture with the increase of the fiber length. The study showed that a major improvement in the compressive strength could be achieved by using 36 mm basalt fibers with Vf = 0.31% but not as high as steel fiber reinforced concrete specimens. Fiber geometry Commercially-available fibers have different shapes namely, straight, end-hooked, crimped, and flattened-end (Fig XXX). Recent experimental studies by Susetyo (2009) showed that concrete matrices reinforced with shorter fibers have higher deformation ductility and better crack control over those with long fibers. This was attributed to the large amounts of short fibres that could exist within the matrix, which improves the concrete ability to control cracks and bridge the tensile stresses across the cracks. Figure 2- 4: Commercially available steel fibers (adapted from A study by Branston et al. (2016) investigated the mechanical properties of two types of basalt fibers (chopped basalt fibers and minibars). It was observed that adding chopped basalt fibers retarded the first crack but had no effect on either the compressive strength or the post cracking behavior. Further examination using scanning electronic microscope showed that the chopped basalt fiber specimens failed due to rupture of the fibers while the minibars-reinforced specimens failed due to fibers pullout. Figure 2- 5 Chopped basalt fibers and Minibars used in Banstons experiment Basalt fiber reinforced polymer (BFRP) bar This section reports on the use of continuous fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) bars in reinforcing concrete elements. Due to the wide range of FRP types that are commercially available, this section will focus on the recently developed basalt FRP (BFRP) bars and their use as reinforcing bars for concrete sections. BFRP bars are the newest members in the FRP bars family. They consist of basalt fibers impregnated in polymeric resin. The fibers are extracted from natural basalt rocks through a melting process. They are known for their high tensile strength, high modulus, and large strain to failure. Furthermore, they are known for their better durability and chemical stability over their glass FRP (GFRP) counterparts, which make them adequate for use in alkaline environments. To date, few studies have focused on the use of BFRP bars as internal reinforcement. The literature presented below is divided to three main sections as follows: Literature on the durability of BFRP bars; Literature on concrete elements reinforced with BFRP bars; and Literature on concrete elements with fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) reinforced longitudinally with BFRP bars. Durability of BFRP bars El Refai et al (2015) investigated the bond performance of BFRP bars to concrete through direct pullout test. Cylinders reinforced with glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) were cast for comparative purposes. Different diameters of BFRP and GFRP bars, with variable embedment length in concrete, were used in this study. Results proved that BFRP bars could be a proper alternative for GFRP bars; as they attained 75% of GFRP bond strength. Smaller diameters of BFRP bars were more adhesive to concrete over the larger bars. This adhesion led to better bond between the concrete and the BFRP bars. It was noticed that BFRP and GFRP bars had similar trend regarding the effect of embedment length on the bond stress; as bond strength of both bars were inversely proportional with the embedment length. Altalmas et al (2015) studied the effect of various environmental conditions on the bond strength of pullout concrete cubes reinforced with sand-coated BFRP bars. Acid, saline and alkaline solutions were used to simulate different harsh environmental conditions.   The program consisted of 62 cube specimens reinforced with either BFRP or GFRP bars. Specimens were either unconditioned or subjected to exposure conditions for 30, 50 and 90 days. Results showed that BFRP specimens had better bond strength with concrete over the ribbed GFRP specimens, regardless the exposure condition,. BFRP specimens subjected for saline and alkaline solutions showed a 25% bond reduction after 90 days, while 14% reduction were reported for those immersed in acidic solution for the same duration of exposure. 25% bond loss was the highest bond reduction reported by GFRP specimens after 90 days. This reduction was reported by the specimens submerged in acidic solution, while 17% reduction was observed for specimens subjected to saline and alkaline conditions. Elgabbas et al (2015) investigated the short- and long-term properties of three different types of BFRP. The bars were conditioned in alkaline solution simulating the concrete environment to assess their ability as an internal reinforcement for concrete elements. The physical and mechanical properties of the bars were determined according to ACI-440 and CSA-807 test procedures. Concerning the short-term properties, the results showed that BFRP bars met the physical and mechanical requirements stated by ACI and CSA and could be placed in the same category as grade II and grade III GFRP bars. However, the long-term mechanical properties for the alkali-conditioned specimens showed significant degradation.   Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) confirmed that this degradation was attributed to the poor bonding between the resin and the fiber. Hassan et al. (2016) studied the bond durability of BFRP bars embedded in concrete in aggressive environments. A total of 50 BFRP specimens were immersed in alkaline solution at three different elevated temperatures (40, 50, and 60o C) for 1.5, 3, and 6 months. Five unconditioned specimens were tested at room temperature 28 days after casting for comparative purposes. The bond strength generally increased with the increase in the surrounding temperature. Exposure for 1.5 months increased the bond strengths by 25% and 26% in the specimens conditioned at 50 and 60oC, respectively, whereas a minor reduction in the bond strength (about 4%) was recorded for specimens conditioned at 40. Specimens conditioned for6 months at 40 had the maximal bond loss (about 16%). However, all specimens met the minimum bond strength reported by ACI 440.6 and CSA-S807. Depending on the environmental conditions, the long-term bond-strength-retention predications of the BFRP bars after 50 years of service lif e ranged from 71% to 92%, Durability of BFRP bars Mahroug et al. (2013) studied the flexural response of simple and continuous slabs reinforced with BFRP bars. A total of 6 slabs having different reinforcement ratios and bars arrangement were tested in flexure. One continuously supported slab reinforced with steel bars was also tested as a reference slab. Results showed that slab reinforced with BFRP bars had higher deflections with deeper cracks than the reference slab. Over-reinforced BFRP-reinforced slabs showed higher loading carrying capacity. The authors reported that ACI 440.1R-06 overestimated the flexural capacity in most of BFRP-reinforced concrete slabs. ISIS-M03-07 and CSA-S806-06 reasonably predicted the deflections of the BFRP-reinforced slabs whereas ACI 440-1R-06 underestimated their deflections. Lapko and UrbanÃÅ' ski (2014) presented a comparative analysis of experimental and theoretical analysis of concrete beams reinforced with BFRP bars. The research consisted of three beams reinforced with BFRP bars and three reference beams reinforced with conventional steel bars. The results showed that the BFRP-reinforced beams showed higher deflections and crack width in comparison with their steel-reinforced counterparts. CSA806-02 accurately predicted the beam deflections at the initial loading level (up to 20% of critical load) with 9% discrepancy between the theoretical and experimental deflections. As the load increased, the CSA806-02 showed large discrepancy between the theoretical and the experimental deflections (up to 49%). Deflections based on the provision of ISIS (2007) and and by modified equation of Bischoff were the most accurate throughout all phases of loading. PawÅ‚owskia and SzumigaÅ‚aa (2015) investigated the flexural behavior of full-scale BFRP-reinforced beams. Three beams with different reinforcement ratios were tested until failure. Results showed that BFRP-reinforced beams having high reinforcement ratios experienced higher ultimate loads and stiffness that those having low reinforcement ratios. However, the former beams showed less ductility than the later ones. It was proven that the flexural design of BFRP-reinforced members is governed by serviceability limits since the ultimate deflections of beams were six times greater than the permissible values. Numerical analysis using ABAQUS showed a good agreement with the experimental results. Zhang et al. (2015) studied the flexural deflections of concrete beams reinforced with BFRP bars. Six beams reinforced with different ratios in addition to one control steel-reinforced beam were tested under four point loading. Results showed that BFRP-reinforced beams exhibited brittle failure especially the under-reinforced beams. ACI 440.1R-06 accurately predicted the flexure capacities of the beams but underestimated their deflection capacities. A modified equation considering the influence of the increased compressive zone was proposed. This equation showed higher accuracy in predicting the deflections of the BFRP-reinforced beams than the ACI equation. Finite element modeling (FEM) using ABAQUS package was used to model the BFRP-reinforced beams and showed good agreement with the experimental results. Elgabbas et al (2016) investigated the structure performance of six concrete beams reinforced with BFRP bars. The beams had different reinforcement ratios, number of reinforcement layers, and bar sizes. It was found that the ACI and CSA overestimated the cracking moment by an average of 27% and 24%, respectively. The average bond-dependent coefficient (kb) was estimated at 0.8, which was in agreement with the recommendation of the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code. The obtained results confirmed that the pre-cracking response of all beams was similar until cracking occurred with no evidence of being affected by the reinforcement ratio. However, after cracking, it was reported that beams with higher reinforcement ratios had better crack distribution and less crack width. The authors concluded that CSA provisions provided reasonable deflection yet conservative values over the ACI for beams reinforced with BFRP. Tomlinson and Fam (2015) evaluated the flexural and shear performances for concrete beams reinforced with BFRP bars and stirrups.   A total of nine specimens were reinforced with BFRP bars were tested under four-point loading. Steel reinforced specimens were cast for comparison purposes. The parameters investigated included the type of stirrups (steel or BFRP) and the reinforcement ratio (varying from 0.28 to 1.60). Results showed that the service and ultimate loads of BFRP specimens were directly proportional to the flexural reinforcement ratio, regardless the shear reinforcement type.   In addition, BFRP-reinforced beams showed significantly higher strengths (2.8 times) in comparison with their steel-reinforced counterparts having the same reinforcement ratio. ACI and CSA adequately predicted the flexural strength of the BFRP-reinforced beams. Ge et al. (2015) studied the flexural behavior of hybrid concrete beams reinforced with BFRP and steel bars. Three hybrid concrete beams reinforced with BFRP bars and steel bars, one concrete beam reinforced with BFRP bars and one concrete beam reinforced with steel bars were cast. Results showed that the ratio between the area of FRP bars to that of steel bars () governed the deflection and the crack spacing properties of the hybrid beams, as both decreased with the increase of this ratio. It was observed that under same loading, the deflection and crack spacing were maximal in the BFRP-reinforced beams and minimal in the steel-reinforced ones. Hybrid beams showed deflections less than those encountered in the BFRP-reinforced beams but higher than those of the steel-reinforced ones. It was also proven that the average crack spacing calculation theory is valid for hybrid-reinforced beams, while a new formula for calculating the flexural capacity was proposed for those beams. Hybrid FRC/FRP specimens Won et al (2010) investigated the flexural cracks of 16 beams reinforced with FRP bars. Parameters used in this study were the reinforcement bars type (GFRP or CFRP) and the reinforcement ratio. Steel reinforced specimens were cast for comparative purposes. 1% by volume of crimped polypropylene fibers was added to the concrete mix. Results showed that adding polypropylene fibers enhanced the cracking response of the concrete. However, it reduced its compressive strength by 23%, in comparison with the plain concrete. Both GFRP and CFRP under-reinforced FRC beams had smaller cracks, while the over-reinforced ones had an increased number of cracks formed. Polypropylene fibers didnt have much of an effect on steel reinforced specimens; as beams with plain concrete and with FRC had similar cracking response. A total of 36 specimens were fabricated by Belrabi et al. (2011) to investigate the effect of environmental exposure on the long-term bond behavior of FRP/FRC structures. Specimens were subjected to combined freez eand thaw cycles and high temperature while being submerged in salt solution. FRP bars in plain concrete were subjected to the same environmental conditions for comparative purposes. It was found that 0.5% of polypropylene fibers significantly enhanced the bond durability. An average of 28% reduction in bond strength was observed for FRP bars in plain concrete whereas only 6% reduction was observed for FRC specimens. Furthermore, 26% average reduction in design bond strength was reported for plain concrete specimens while only 10% reduction was reported for FRC specimens. Wang and Belarbi (2013) investigated the long-term flexural performance of FRP/FRC beams. Beams cast with plain concrete served as controls. Twenty-six over-reinforced concrete beams were subjected to freeze and thaw cycles followed by high temperature cycles before being tested in flexure. It was reported that all specimens failed due to concrete crushing. Results showed that conditioning had slight effect on the flexural capacities of both plain and FRC beams. However, 0.5% of polypropylene fibers enhanced the ductility index of both conditioned and unconditioned specimens by an average of 30%. Wang and Belrab (2015) conducted a research to investigate the possibility of using steel-free system to overcome corrosion problems associated with steel.   Their systems consisted of hybrid CFRP/GFRP bars and 0.5% randomly distributed polypropylene fibers. A total of 12 over-reinforced specimens were subjected to four-point loading configuration. The investigated parameters included the size and type of FRP bars and the concrete mix (FRC and plain concrete). All plain concrete specimens failed by concrete crushing. However, FRC beams failed in a more ductile behavior that was attributed to the bridging effect of the added fibers. Results showed that the fibers had significantly enhanced the concrete ultimate stain to an average of 3,300 micro-strains while 2,950 micros-trains were measured in theplain concrete beams. The addition of fibers improved the flexural capacity for the FRC beams up to 9% and the ultimate deflection up to 27%. High et al. (2015) conducted an experimental program to investigate the use of BFRP bars as flexural reinforcement for concrete members. In addition, they studied the effect of using chopped basalt fibers as an additive to enhance the mechanical properties of concrete. Six one-way slabs reinforced with BFRP bars were tested in flexure and their results were compared with those predicted by ACI 440.1R-06.Under-reinforced slabs showed a lower carrying capacity than the balanced and over-reinforced slabs due to the rupture of BFRP bars.   It was proven that ACI 440.1R-06 adequately predicted the flexure capacities of the slabs but significantly underestimated the deflections at service loads. More precise deflection values were predicted by using the equation proposed by Bischoff and Gross (2011) while neglecting the effect of tension stiffening. The use of chopped basalt fiber resulted in an increase in the modulus of rupture of concrete with a slight effect on the compressive streng th. Conclusions: A summary of the previous studies that have been carried out on the flexural response of concrete structures reinforced with FRP, FRC or hybrid has been presented. Parameters recognized to have a significant effect on the behaviour of these elements are identified. The previous studies were categorized the reinforcement type; FRC, FRP or hybrid. An overall review on the factors affecting the behaviour of FRC is presented with a focus on non-metallic fibers. In addition, factors making non-metallic fibers more preferable than metallic fibers are highlighted. From the previous literature review, the following points are concluded: The presence of fibers in concrete has a great influence on the behavior of concrete structures. They have been successfully known for their ability to control cracks and shrinkage and enhance the post-cracking behavior. Those enhancements occur as a result of the bridge action caused by fibers. Fiber volume fraction is the most influencing parameter on the properties of FRC. Sufficient fibers are required to enhance the bridging action, while excessive fibers could lead to workability and segregation issues. Synthetic fibers are considered a promising candidate for reinforcing concrete structures. Owing to their alkaline resistivity, high melting point and high tensile strength, they are measured as a promising replacement for steel fibers in reinforcement concrete applications. Aspect ratio of the fiber is another important factor which influences the behavior of FRC. It has been reported that compressive strength and concrete toughness are considerably affected by the aspect ratio of fibers used in the concrete mix. The type of bars used as flexural reinforcement has a major effect on the behavior of the concrete elements. This occurs due to the variance in the physical and mechanical properties of the materials used in forming the bars. Reinforcement ratio is a significant parameter in BFRP concrete structures. It was found that specimens having high reinforcement ratios experienced higher ultimate loads and stiffness. ACI 440.1R-06 and CSA S806-06 were accurate in predicting the flexure capacities of BFRP structures however, they underestimated their deflection capacities. There is a noticeable lack of studies on the flexural response of BFRP slabs in the presence of basalt mini-bars. Among the few studies, this mentioned hybrid system proved to be efficient in enhancing the compressive strength of the concrete and improving its overall durability. None of the previous studies has investigated the effect of different fiber volume ratios of basalt mini-bars on the behavior of concrete structures reinforced with BFRP bars. None of the previous studies has developed a numerical model that is capable to simulate the flexural response of BFRP reinforced concrete structures in the presence of different volume fractions of basalt mini-bars. Research objectives: The overall objective of the current study is to investigate the flexural response of BFRP slabs reinforced with different volumetric ratios of basalt mini-bars. The detailed procedures of the current study are presented

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Death Penalty Essay: The Barbaric Practice of Capital Punishment

The Barbaric Practice of Capital Punishment      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      Rarely has any issue across the world faced such fierce debate as the practice of sentencing convicted persons to death. Capital punishment, or the death penalty, was until the last few centuries, a widespread and common event, applicable for even a minor offense. As society and culture have evolved, however, the barbaric practice has come under close scrutiny. Today, many first-world countries have outlawed the death penalty in all but the rarest instances, such as treason during wartime.    The United States, however, which has stood at the forefront of the fight for global human rights, still uses the death penalty liberally, and can apply it for a great many crimes. This archaic and primitive practice rightly leads other nations to question the United States' self-appointed leadership for global human rights. As many have that have closely examined the practice have concluded, this practice in the United States is not only impractical, immoral, but also fraught with error to such a degree that it could be easily outlawed. The unfortunate part, as many inside and outside our great nation believe, is that it is not.    The development of societies and their governments lead naturally to systems of laws and punishments. Originally, there were far more illegal acts than exist today, and the punishments were harsher, since an advanced prison system had not been developed. The basic premise of any legal system worldwide has always been simple, however: to take those who pose a threat to society and to remove them from it. The next act of choosing to actually kill these people was never a necessary act for society. Instead, it was a form of retributive justice,... ... Campaign to End the Death Penalty: Illinois Moratorium, "Moratorium Victory In Illinois" 13 Dec 2000 Dieter, Richard C., The Death Penalty in Black & White: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Decides June 1998, 13 Dec 2000 Genesis and John. Holy Bible (Chicago: Good Counsel Publishers, 1966) Hook, Donald D. and Lothar Kahn, Death in the Balance, (Lexington: Lexington Books, 1989) John, Mark and Alastair Macdonald, "Bush Hard Line on Executions Will Trouble Europe" 14 Dec 2000, 14 Dec 2000 National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, "Deterrence...Fact Or Fiction?" 13 Dec 2000 Sellin, Thorsten, Capital Punishment, (NY: Harper & Row) 122-124 and 239-253

Monday, August 19, 2019

Power and Possession in Animal Farm by George Orwell Essay example --

Power and Possession in Animal Farm by George Orwell Have you ever felt that rush of excitement when you can do whatever you want without thinking of the consequences? If so, wasn’t it one of the greatest feelings you’ve ever felt? The feelings that describe us that we are leaders, that we have followers and our every move are important to the people around us? Power is the one possession that everyone desires. It lets you feel that one can do anything he or she wants without the consequences of his or her actions. In George Orwell’s illuminating fable of â€Å"Animal Farm,† he describes how a pig named Napoleon takes over an entire farm. Napoleon, with his sly group of trustworthy pigs, maintains power and takes over â€Å"Manor Farm† by using the concepts of intimidation, fear, and persuasion. Intimidation is a malicious, yet intelligent way to gather up people to join a force. By intimidating someone, one would be too frightened to stand up for his or her self. Thus, he or she would have no other choice but to go along with the event of intimidation. In Napoleon’s case, he uses intimidation by having a group of dogs to stand as his bodyguard. â€Å"Silent and terrified, the animals crept back into the barn. In a moment the dogs came bounding back. At first no one had been able to imagine where these creature came from, but the problem was soon solved: they were the puppies whom Napoleon had taken away from their mothers and reared privately. Though not yet full grown, they were huge dogs, and as fierce-looking as wolves. They kept close to Napoleon.† (Orwell 68). This shows that the ferocious dogs intimidate the silent and terrified animals. Thus, when the animals are intimidated, they will follow Napoleon’... ...eon work his way to the peak of class. Since Squealer follows Napoleon’s orders, he has helped him persuade the animals to side with Napoleon instead of Snowball for it is said that Snowball had sided with Jones. So in the end, intimidation, fear, and persuasion combined have overcome every move, and knowledge of the animals. In addition to Napoleon’s tactics to maintaining power, the innocent animals of Manor Farm tricked without any precaution, are under control of the great comrade Napoleon. Intimidation, by the use of dogs and torture has compelled the animals to undergo his powers. Fear from Jones has frightened them to give up leisure time to work together and rethink a way to overcome humans. Furthermore, persuasion, with the help of the spectacular Squealer has played a trick in the minds of many helpless, and oblivious animals of Manor Farm. Power and Possession in Animal Farm by George Orwell Essay example -- Power and Possession in Animal Farm by George Orwell Have you ever felt that rush of excitement when you can do whatever you want without thinking of the consequences? If so, wasn’t it one of the greatest feelings you’ve ever felt? The feelings that describe us that we are leaders, that we have followers and our every move are important to the people around us? Power is the one possession that everyone desires. It lets you feel that one can do anything he or she wants without the consequences of his or her actions. In George Orwell’s illuminating fable of â€Å"Animal Farm,† he describes how a pig named Napoleon takes over an entire farm. Napoleon, with his sly group of trustworthy pigs, maintains power and takes over â€Å"Manor Farm† by using the concepts of intimidation, fear, and persuasion. Intimidation is a malicious, yet intelligent way to gather up people to join a force. By intimidating someone, one would be too frightened to stand up for his or her self. Thus, he or she would have no other choice but to go along with the event of intimidation. In Napoleon’s case, he uses intimidation by having a group of dogs to stand as his bodyguard. â€Å"Silent and terrified, the animals crept back into the barn. In a moment the dogs came bounding back. At first no one had been able to imagine where these creature came from, but the problem was soon solved: they were the puppies whom Napoleon had taken away from their mothers and reared privately. Though not yet full grown, they were huge dogs, and as fierce-looking as wolves. They kept close to Napoleon.† (Orwell 68). This shows that the ferocious dogs intimidate the silent and terrified animals. Thus, when the animals are intimidated, they will follow Napoleon’... ...eon work his way to the peak of class. Since Squealer follows Napoleon’s orders, he has helped him persuade the animals to side with Napoleon instead of Snowball for it is said that Snowball had sided with Jones. So in the end, intimidation, fear, and persuasion combined have overcome every move, and knowledge of the animals. In addition to Napoleon’s tactics to maintaining power, the innocent animals of Manor Farm tricked without any precaution, are under control of the great comrade Napoleon. Intimidation, by the use of dogs and torture has compelled the animals to undergo his powers. Fear from Jones has frightened them to give up leisure time to work together and rethink a way to overcome humans. Furthermore, persuasion, with the help of the spectacular Squealer has played a trick in the minds of many helpless, and oblivious animals of Manor Farm.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Heavens Delight - Vanilla :: Botany

Heaven's Delight - Vanilla Commercial vanilla is the fruit (capsule) obtained from several different species of Orchidaceae, namely, Vanilla pompona Schiede (West Indian vanilla), Vanilla tahitiensis J. M. Moore (Tahiti vanilla) and Vanilla planifolia Jackson (Mexican vanilla). The most important is Vanilla planifolia Jackson, from which almost all vanilla fruits come from (Ferrà £o, 1993). The genus Vanilla has about 100 species, and the Orchidaceae family is one of the largest in the Plant Kingdom, with more or less 20,000 species. Etymologically, the word vanilla came from the Spanish vainilla, which means a small pod, due to the great similarity between this fruit and a true pod (Ferrà £o, 1992; Mabberley, 1993). Floriculture is the field that we immediately recall when we think of orchid plants. However, the genus Vanilla is the only one of the family that is of direct economic interest. Some rural societies in Turkey and Greece still use salep, a staple flour made from the tubers of certain orchids, especially those included in the genus Orchis. Although the use of orchids for this purpose is rather localised, it is bringing some species of this genus to the edge of extinction (Baumann, 1996). The vanilla plant is a vine, native from the tropical forests of Central America and some areas of South America. In its natural habitat, it may reach a length of 25 meters, climbing with the help of adventitious roots. The stems are thick and fleshy green; the leaves are alternate, long elliptical, sessile and bright green. The flowers, in clusters, appear in the leaf axils. They live only 8 hours and die if fertilization fails to occur. The plant blooms three years after the cuttings are planted and the yellow greenish fruits many have up to 90,000 seeds, taking five to seven months to mature. The fruit is scentless when harvested, it has a length between 10 to 25 cm and a weight of 5 to 30g (Ferrà £o, 1993). Vanilla was brought to Europe by the Spanish conquerors of the New World. They found it in Mexico, when Montezuma, the last Aztec Emperor, offered them a drink made of chocolate, vanilla, red pepper and honey. Local aristocracy used it to flavor chocolate, a custom still practised today (Brosse et al. 1989). The Dutch introduced vanilla in Java (Indonesia), a former European colony in East Indies, at the beginning of the nineteenth century and the French did the same in the Reunion Island, Mauritius and Madagascar, all located in the Southwest Indian Ocean.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Advantages and Cost of Adoption in Australia of International Financial Reporting Standards Essay

The issue of adoption of international financial reporting standards (IFRSS) in Australia has been controversial issue since the first time Australian Financial Reporting council (FRC) announced the policy in 2002. Many believe that IFRSS adoption will lead to great advantages such as enhance financial report comparability, improve quality of financial reporting, attract more foreign investor, and other significant advantages. However, some also believe that the adoption merely result in disadvantages and cost for Australian business, accounting profession and even Australian government. Before deciding to fully adopt IFRSS, in 1996, the AASB issued Policy Statement 6 International Harmonization Policy with objective to ‘pursue the development of an internationally accepted set of accounting standards which can be adapted in Australia’. There were several considerations why government decided to do so: 1. ‘The existing arrangements for accounting standard setting are confusing, inefficient and not conductive to stakeholder participation 2. There is duplication between the AASB and PSASB 3. Australian Accounting Standards are not understood in, and are out of step with, the major capital markets in the United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), and Europe, resulting in higher costs of capital for Australian Business 4. The standards setting process is perceived to be dominated by the accounting profession and there is no real accountability to its users 5. Accounting standards do not reflect modern business practice, being too prescriptive and overly technical that imposing excessive costs on business 6. The process involved in standard setting have failed to attract broad input and the necessary level of financial support, with the result that accounting standards are not meeting the demands of constituents’ (CLERP 1997, pp. 11-12, cited from Pickeet. al, 2006). Despite those reasons, IFRSS adoption is promoted because several claimed benefits potentially arising from the policy especially for Australian Business. The most claimed benefit is attracting foreign investors due to lowering cost of capital. Cost of capital can be decreased because IFRSS adoption can diminish ‘premiums associated with the risk of not fully understanding the financial report’ (Collet et. al, 2001, cited from Gerhardy, P. G. , n. d. ). Another hypothesis is that IFRSS adoption can reduce ‘home bias’ that discourage investors from making cross border investment. One of factors contributing to home bias itself is the expensive cost of information about foreign investment (Kang and Stulsz, 1997 cited from Cofrig,V. M. , Defond, M. L. , & Hung, M. , 2007). By adopting IFRSS, it is hoped that information about foreign investment can be easily obtained and understood because it is generated from universal standards that are more familiar for investors. In addition, high accounting quality, transparency and comparability are commonly associated with financial reporting produced based on IFRSS that is internationally recognized and represent worldwide best practices. Those attributes alleviate ‘information asymmetries between managers and outside investors, thus increasing liquidity and ultimately lowering the required rate of return’ (Diamond and Verrecchia, 1991, cited from Daske, Holger, 2006). Association between higher accounting quality and IAS/IFRSS itself has been examined by Barth,M. E. , Landsman, W. R. , & Lang, Mark H. in 2008. They investigate firms from 21 countries that applied IAS and found that those firms generally ‘evidence less earnings management, more timely loss recognition and more value relevance of accounting amounts’. It has been suggested that IFRSS adoption benefits Australian business trough saving in reporting costs. This benefit especially applies for Australian Business that wants to list their stocks in other countries’ stock exchanges. It is obligation for companies to fulfill specific different requirement regarding financial reporting of each countries where the companies are listed. By adopting IFRSS, companies do not need to generate more than one set of financial reports to comply different requirement and regulation. It is also easier for multinational companies to consolidate their financial statement, thus it saves time and money. Beside easy consolidation, IFRSS adoption also simplifies appraisal process of companies to takeover or merger with overseas enterprises and improves management control due to increased comparability internal management report between different segments or branches. For multinational companies, it will ease transfer of accounting staff across countries as well (Uddin, M. S. , 2005). Furthermore, a reduction in audit cost might be experienced by companies, because adoption of global standards (IFRSS) merely require global audit tandards, tools or systems that usually cheaper than specific products or services. This audit commoditization will close the expertise gap between the big five and force them to reduce audit fee. (Perera et. al, 2003,cited from Gerhardy, P. G. , n. d. ). For Australian government, fully adopting IFRSS is highly likely result in cost saving because the government does not need to spend money for AASB. It is evidence that Australian government spent huge amount of money for domestic accounting standards formulation. Another advantage is that the government can ‘distance itself from any future corporate collapses, which tend to raise questions about the role of accounting and the quality of accounting standards in such incidents’ (ibid). Take example of HIH collapse. Furthermore, it can avoid miscalculation of investors’ tax liability, particularly tax related to income from overseas sources accepted by multinational companies (Uddin, M. S. , 2005) (global acceptance). Despite cost saving, IFRSS adoption might also increase overseas companies listing in the ASX (Haswell & McKinnon, 2003, cited from Gerhardy, P.G. , n. d. ). It also retains Australian companies listed on ASX. It is argument of Stoddart (1999, cited from McCombie, K. ,n. d. ) that ASX’s rigorous support on full adoption of IFRS is due to ASX’s ambition to become ‘the main exchange in the Pacific Rim’. Despite those enormous advantages, it has been argued that IFRSS adoption lead to significant costs. The main argument is that IFRSs do not consider local needs and priorities as every country has their own ‘business environment, legal systems, cultures, language and political environment’ (Henderson and Peirson, 2000 cited from Malthus, S. 2004). However, to overcome this problem, IASB can accommodate flexible reporting standards that enable companies to choose alternatives that are more suitable for their external condition. It is opinion of some opponents of IFRS adoption that IAS is ‘insufficiently detailed’ (Uddin,M. S. , 2005, p. 4) that require accountants’ and auditorâ€℠¢ professional judgment. However, overly detail might be contra productive and not flexible in anticipating every changes and differences. Education for stakeholders related to changes in financial statement is considered as significant as well. In a way, companies have obligation to ensure these users understand the changes. Companies also need to provide education and training for staff to adapt changes from preparing account using national standards to international standards. Since changes not only affect external reporting system, but also internal reporting such as budgeting system, this training might require huge amount of money. Often, companies need external experts in anticipating the changes such as actuaries and valuation experts that also need a lot of spending. However, this transition cost is only initial investment that is short term; the cost will be diminishing once companies have already been stable with the new systems. Learning from UK, based on a survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers, majority companies in the UK suggested that transition from local accounting standards to international standards would not require high costs (Malthus, S. , 2004). Coming to the accounting profession, it has been argued that IFRS adoption also bear costs due to the policy. Those costs might come from the need to re educate members of the accounting profession itself. However, this argument is questionable because as a profession, accountants should improve their capabilities by ongoing training and education no matter what. Negative impacts of adoption of IFRS on rule makers such as Federal government and AASB have been public’s concern as well. Regarding federal government, it is argued that support devoted by federal government for IFRS adoption (Brown and Tarca, 2005) might put government ‘under political pressure not to impose rules on Australian companies that are inconsistent with those applied to companies in other countries’. In term of AASB, adoption of IFRSs raised questions about the role of the body. By adopting IFRS that replace local standards, AASB might lose its status and role. This loss arguably hurt nation’s sovereignty because Australia somehow is ‘one of the world’s leading authorities on accounting’ (Haswell and McKinnon, 2003 cited from Gerhardy, P. G. , n. d. , p. 24). AASB might also have limited influence on the standards formulation process under IASB, thus Australia’s interest and relevant environment might not be covered by international standards. However, this costs can be diminished as suggested by Carrol (2003d, cited from Gerhardy, P. G. , n. d. , p. 75) ‘that if Australia is to ensure that future standards developed by the IASB are relevant to the Australian environment it is necessary that Australia is positioned ‘as an influential leader in the international business environment’’. Having considered both advantages and costs, I would argue that benefit arising from IFRS adoption will be in the longer term worth the effort. The main reason for that is huge economic benefit arises from the IFRS adoption. On the surface, economic benefit is merely enjoyed by multinational companies and investors. However, it will trigger Australian economy development because multinational companies represent greater percentage of Australian economy sources that absorb high number of employment. Small medium companies (SME) that is argued might become parties bearing most cost will benefit from multinational companies as a business partners such as supplier, particularly if Australia promote specific regulation to encourage the mutual partnership. This will be domino effect that boost another sectors, thus benefit whole community. In addition, education cost that is claimed as significant cost only borne for short term and will be diminished in the long term. Education and training itself is inseparable part of accounting as a profession that need ongoing training to enhance capability and professionalism. The last reason is that IFRS adoption might be inevitable due to globalization that diminish border across nations and increase interdependency between nations.